Predator: Blood Leech

Whereas the Alley Cat is a kind of apex predator, and the Bagger is a kind of anti-predator, the Blood Leech is almost like a mix of the two. The Blood Leech feeds exclusively from other vampires, something that puts them directly against the rest of their kind.
Blood Leeches lose a dot of Humanity starting out, reflecting their decision to drink the soul of another being, regardless of their reason for doing so. Furthermore, they gain Dark Secret: Diablerist for the same reason, though they could instead have Dark Secret: Shunned. I find the choice between these two flaws to be a good indicator of how far down the rabbit hole the character has gone; if they have Shunned, they have probably voiced their love of the taste of vitae to too many kindred, perhaps a vampire who has drunk deep from a vampire once before and can't let go of the rush of power, where if they have Diablerist, they have already taken that step into the darkness that is required to diablerize their own kind on the regular. Either way, the increase in Blood Potency implies that its already happened at least once.
The Blood Leech is given the choice of a level of either Celerity or Protean, to assist them in overpowering or hunting down their fellow kindred. When two vampires find themselves in combat with each other, it is often speed which is the great equalizer; a vampire may overcome a superior foe if she may strike before that foe has a chance to respond. This is further emphasized by the Specialty: Brawl (Kindred) or Stealth (Kindred), meaning that the character is practiced at either fighting against or stalking the undead. The option of Protean in this regard is a bit puzzling. Is the intent to have the character take Eyes of the Beast, which would allow them to see (and hunt) in darkness? I suppose that would assist in tracking down their chosen prey. What do you think?

Character Concepts:
The Former Vampire Hunter, who was turned against their will but has resolved to take it out on the rest of kindred society; The Former Thin Blood, who got a taste of the power inherent in vitae and can't go back to "regular blood;" The Thrill-Seeker, who wants the rush of excitement that comes with hunting the true predators of the world; The Favor Maker, who will do whatever is asked of them but requires vampiric blood as payment for their task.

Some Roleplaying Tips:
Lets talk briefly about the practice of hunting other vampires for their blood. With this Predator-type, the Storyteller has the option of making each feeding scene a life-or-death scenario, where the PC faces Final Death should they underestimate their prey. This is great for mixing in some tension in what could otherwise be a routine session.
Have you considered letting your coterie in on your little secret? Maybe they'll turn you away, but maybe (JUST MAYBE) they'll work with you, turning you towards more deserving targets of your fangs. Of course, this has the potential of shifting the nature of a chronicle, so Storytellers beware.
Ever watch that series on Showtime, Dexter? That's a great example of a Blood Leech. Dexter is a serial killer who hunts other serial killers, meaning his chosen prey are just as dangerous as he is.

The Blood Leech is a challenging but rewarding Predator-type to play. How have you portrayed this unusual type of vampire? Let us know!