Predator: Cleaver

In older times, funerary carriages were drawn through confusing routes on the way to the cemetery; this was because there was a fear that if the deceased became undead, they would find their way back to their home and murder their family. This singular practice brings to mind the Cleaver, a type of predator within the world of vampire that is characterized by their practice of feeding on the people they were closest to as mortals; their family and friends.
Taking Dark Secret: Cleaver as a Flaw means that the kindred would be exposed and ridiculed by society if they were to be found out to be conducting their regular feeding in this manner. This is something that can generate all kinds of subtle emotions in the Player Character, not to mention the response from their coterie. Remember that a Cleaver's family/friends is a huge weakness that can be easily exploited should their enemies find out about it. I reckon the Second Inquisition leans most heavily on these predators because they can be the easiest to turn. This seems to me like good evidence of the fate of the Giovanni; the most well known and notorious Cleavers of all.
The Cleaver starts with a specialty either in Gaslighting or in Coverups, which means they must be adept at either manipulating their family/friends or they must be skilled at erasing the evidence of their misdeeds. The Cleaver is also given a dot of Dominate or Animalism (Animalism being the odd choice for this type of predator), which feeds into the Gaslighting concept pretty easily. It could also be interesting to explore the Coverups specialty, especially if the family/friends (the PC's effective Herd 2) don't know that they're an active food source.

Character Concepts:
The Gang Member, who still serves the homies as long as they provide him with a meal every now and then; The Regretful Embrace, who didn't know what they were getting into (and giving up) when they agreed to become kindred; The Historian, who has followed their family for generations, maintaining it like a gardener maintains a tree; The Boogeyman, who attempts to keep their family in line by controlling them through fear.

Some Roleplaying Tips:
One of the biggest things to remember for this predator type, as a Storyteller, is to include the family/friends in the story. These are thinking, living, breathing individuals that can be used to remind the vampire of their humanity, to contrast the darkness with which they usual deal, and to possibly be threatened by that very darkness.
As a player, consider expressing some of those emotions you get from feeding from your loved ones (shame, self-loathing, disgust, power, arrogance, etc) more as your Hunger grows.
It's easy to get wrapped up in the drama and happenings of the family or friend group, and this is something that needs to be balanced and explored by the player and Storyteller together. Don't let this overtake the chronicle's story, but don't treat it as a simple herd with no life.

Have you had any interesting games that have spawned from having a Cleaver in your games? Tell us about it!